Muriel Stockdale
Director & ISE-NY Founder and Spirit Leader
Dear All,
First let me apologize for being out of touch for the last couple of months. I have returned from production of Conversations With God to find a jam-packed email inbox! I will respond; it may take a little more time. I do want to say thank you for keeping in touch. I am thrilled to hear from everyone, and to hear what you are all doing well. This reminds me that one of our goals at ISE-NY is to create ways for us to connect when we need to. We have a beautiful website now thanks to Jasmine and Cynthia. We would love to add a database containing your
professional information, with links and resumes. If anyone has web design experience and is interested in both setting up and managing this kind of project, we would love to hear from you.
We have just become an affiliate to the Spiritual Cinema Circle (SCC), which means that if you sign up through our link for the SCC subscription or the festival cruise, ISE-NY will get a referral fee. So please sign up for both if you haven’t already done so. Please also ask your friends and family to do so as well. As ISE-NY builds revenue we will be more able to support your goals within this new genre.
I hope to see you at our next meeting on February 16th, where we will share some great new projects in the works and some Valentine’s chocolates. Also, one lucky person will walk away with a door prize of the DVD version of the superb film – Short Cut to Nirvana by Nick Day and Maurizio Bennazo. Please support these spiritual filmmakers by going to their website to purchase a DVD of, or CD from, this award winning film.
Much love,